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 “Ci5 is appreciated for its user-friendliness and versatility”

Published on : 27/04/2023

2 years after Ci5 was launched in Fort de France, Ms Nicole Sully, Managing Director of Port+, answers our questions and shares her experience of over 16 years of collaboration between Port+ and MGI!

March 2023 marked 2 years of implementation of ci5 in the Martinique port community. As the first in the Caribbean to roll out AP+ (Ci5’s predecessor) in 2007 and Airport+ (for paperless air transport flows) in 2011, Port+ is the driving force behind digital port and airport flows in Martinique and the Caribbean. In order to celebrate this historic event with their teams and partners, Elhadji Kabirou and Soraya Zerari travelled over recently, making the most of their trip to interview Ms Nicole Sully. 

What year was Port+ created and who are the current members of the team?  

Nicole Sully: Port+ was founded in July 2007. I have been Managing Director since the company’s creation. I work alongside a great team, including Micheline Cesaire and Déborah Becker, who both work in customer assistance, together with Marie-Hélène Agathe who is the company accountant. 

You were trailblazers in the French overseas territories as the first community to sign up to AP+. What needs did you want to meet through a PCS?

Nicole Sully:  We needed to structure and modernise goods transport processes, specifically by digitising data exchanges.  AP+ met all our needs!

Why did you choose MGI?

Nicole Sully: MGI met our criteria, both on the business side but also in terms of business relations thanks to a very helpful and responsive team.

What feedback have you received from public and private operators and your team since the switch from AP+ to Ci5?

Nicole Sully: The Ci5 tool is appreciated for its user-friendliness and versatility.

However, we often hear criticism about the fact that some functions, especially search and print, are no longer available in Ci5 despite being present in AP+. This is important for inspections, particularly Customs controls.

What advantages and improvements have you noticed since implementing Ci5?

Nicole Sully: the user-friendly interface and single-page view showing various goods statuses have helped streamline flows.

Can you describe MGI in a few words and would you recommend us?

Nicole Sully:  MGI has always been a special partner of Port+ and from the very start of our business relationship, we established excellent and constructive communication. Subsequent project managers have maintained this same level of communication and responsiveness, which helps us provide our customers with an excellent level of service.

(Interview conducted by Elhadji Kabirou and Soraya Zerari)



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